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Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's more than just the QB's

Posted by Jon Creem.

With all the news coverage about whether or not the Colts should take Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck (or both) many people are unaware that either way, the Colts will not look the same come next season.

High drama!! That's something Colt fans haven't really had in a long time. No doubt, though, this offseason is a bit different then what they are use too. Everyday we are reminded of the most pressing question around the NFL. Manning or Luck? Or both? 

Andrew Luck
A quick financial breakdown shows that no matter what direction they go, the Colts will not be the same. 
If the team were to bring back Manning he would make roughly $17 million in 2012. Then you must add the $28 million signing bonus that Manning is owed on March 8th. All that money for a player that has four years tops in the league. Then if they were to draft luck with the number one overall pick, Luck, as many have projected would make roughly $24 million dollars over four years. When looking at just 2012, the pair, if things stayed where they are, would cost $22 million dollars. 

Multiple deals are trying to be made, however, that would involve having both Manning and Luck, and allow the team to address the other substantial holes on the roster before training camp. Of course, the majority of the deals involve Manning (Superbowl Champion, four time MVP, and franchise player) adjusting contract so the young Luck (two time Heisman runner-up and zero time national champion) could smile with a $24 million dollars contract all the way to Lucas Oil Stadium.

But the head aches that Colts owner Jim Irsay has to deal with extend further than just his Quarterback options. A new VP, GM, Head Coach all in the same offseason is a lot to handle. Try adding an offseason where, with limited money as we have seen, he might have to replace key contributors such as Dwight Freeney, Rob Mathis, Gary Bracket, Reggie Wayne, Jeff Saturday, Pierre Garcon, and Dallas Clark.

Peyton Manning
For just the money that is owed to him and his refusal to adjust to head coach Chuck Pagano's defensive scheme, Dwight Freeney will most likely be gone. He is owed over $19 million this year. That money plus any Manning-Luck combo will leave virtually no room to re-sign anyone. With old age and frequent injuries Saturday and Clarke are almost gone as well. If they can, the Colts should look to use any money to retain Mathis to keep at least one DE to pressure the QB, and Garcon because he will be cheaper to keep than Reggie Wayne. After that just leave it to the draft to rebuild the team. 

One article I read said that with the Colts drafting Luck, they should also re-amp the interior of the offensive line. One guy to keep your eye on is Wisconsin center Peter Konz . With the young center, Konz and Luck could grow to form a good working team on offense. 

Now for my opinion on the the matter. First off, the rookies get way to much for a first year player. If the money wasn't so high the Colts would have no problem doing the same thing that the Packers did with Farve and Rogers, but since Luck is going to get $24 million his first four years, the Colts don't think him sitting for three years is the best return on their investment. 

Finally, its seems that what's going to happen is that Manning will be cut and Luck will get drafted becoming the number one instantaneously. The reason for this is the high risk that Manning has with his four neck surgeries over the past year. Many think that if they bring Manning back, it would have to come with some sort of restructured contract and that he would only be the starter for the 2012-2013 season only. After that the job is Luck's. But if it's just for one year why bother. The Colts are going to be so young and have so many new faces that a Superbowl Championship is likely not going to happen. 

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