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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Injuries Piled High

Posted by Dan Dragicevich.

With the shortened season in the NBA, there seems to be a heavier dose of injuries this year. Injuries are a part of every sport but it’s hard to ignore the argument that the shortened NBA season is the reason for flurry of injuries. 

Professional athletes are expected to perform at a high level day in and day out with the expectation of being able to be physically and mentally fit. That is definitely a legitimate request to ask someone when they are being paid to play a sport. But is it fair to still ask them to be fit, even when before the season starts the league is staring in the face of a potential lockout? Sure, these players are supposed to be working out on their own and staying fit, but because of the suspended season players are denied access to all of their teams facilities which is where the majority of them workout. So how should we look at this seasons exceptionally high number of injuries? Should we blame the players for not staying on top of their game or should we blame the league for not allowing players into their teams facilities to work out?

The way I look at this issue is to blame the majority of it on the league, but not all of it. Yes, I believe that the players should be staying fit on their own and doing what is expected of them, but I also don’t think it’s right for the league to ban them from their own place of work. First of all, it’s the leagues fault that the season is suspended, in the midst of a lockout, and the whole reason why these players are losing money and not being able to return to work. Costing your employees money is bad enough, and now you are not allowing them to even work out and uphold their responsibility to stay in shape for when the season starts. That’s just poor management by the league and now they are seeing the consequences of it.

Some of the star players that have been effected by injuries this season are; Kobe Bryant, Chauncey Billups, D.J. Augustin, Carmelo Anthony, Eric Gordon, Andrew Bogut, Jason Kidd, Manu Ginobili, Zach Randolph and the list goes on and on. Yes, some of these players have been on and off the injury list throughout the season but the fact that there are so many of them is an issue. A lot of them have been through injuries because they came into the suspended season out of shape and that affects whether or not injuries can occur.

Once again I am pointing the finger at the league for the injury issue because of the fact they didn’t allow the players into their own facilities. I understand injuries are a part of the game but the season isn’t even half way through and already there are numerous serious injuries to star athletes.

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