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Monday, February 20, 2012

Allen Iverson's bizarre soccer offer

Posted by JJ Comeau.

Former NBA star has received a head-turning offer to play in a indoor soccer league.

The Rochester Lancers of the Major Indoor Soccer League (MISL) have shown interest in helping the financially troubled Iverson. They have offered him a substantial pay-per game contract for their final two home games of the season. Here are the terms of the contract offering, via Rochester Lancers News:

The Rochester Lancers host two remaining regular season home games to conclude their season.  The offer stands at $20,000 per game, with a bonus of $5,000 per goal scored, win bonuses, and merchandise bonuses.  There are over 12 goals scored on average per game.
"Allen Iverson is one of the premier athletes of our time," said Rich Randall, Vice President of the Rochester Lancers.  "With his athleticism and competitive hunger, I think he can be a great fit with our team and fans as we make an important playoff push, while also driving interest to an exciting, growing sport."
If accepted, the Lancers have also offered to host his friends and family through the duration of his stay.  With the per-game pay and bonuses, this offer will come close to the offer (per game) set by Turkish basketball team, Besiktas and ultimately keeping him the United States.

Money and notoriety. It's what Iverson used to have, and now the Lancers want (although I'm pretty sure Iverson would like to have this back as well). This is clearly a massive marketing stint with the hopes of a boost in revenue and fans in Rochester. The Lancers see an opportunity to make some money through a pitiful situation and a worn down Iverson. Sure, there's money to be made for both parties, but is it really worth it?

In the Lancers eyes, the answer is yes. However, I'm not so sure it's the same situation for the former NBA great. Pride and respect are two of the greatest qualities you can own in this world, and Iverson may be battling tough times that are altering his image, but nothing will do more harm than a full-fledged brutal embarrassment.  One can argue that Iverson is one of the quickest, fastest and most athletic world-class athletes around, all of which are necessary skills to even think about stepping on a soccer pitch. But don't be fooled, even though you may have not heard of the MISL, these athletes ARE professionals and it will be an ugly comedy show.

If the NBA star we were talking about was Steve Nash, the offer may seem more legit. But until then, Allen Iverson needs to configure some other logical way to pay his jeweler back the $859,896.46 he owes.

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